Measuring Guide
Before we begin, this guide is primarily geared towards measuring for the Evo. Our goal here is to get precise and accurate measurements of the various sizes your penis will be.
Click here for a printable version of the measuring guide.
Here is what is needed:
- An Old Receipt
- A Pen or Marker
- Ruler/Tape Measure with millimeters (mm)
- Your Penis
Both precision and accuracy in recording your measurements is critical to getting a good fit for your Evo the first time. A difference of a few mm's can create a surprising amount of difference in feel. So please be extremely diligent in your measurements.
If you don't have a millimeter ruler (sorry Americans), measure down to the 1/16th of an inch at minimum, preferably 1/32nd, and then convert to millimeters
For the flaccid measurements, measure around the natural size your penis normally is. We want this state just before you would consider your penis to have "shrinkage". To be more precise, the ideal measurements will be when your penis is at 80% of the way to your absolute smallest size. So not your smallest measurements but the most deflated your penis will be in room temperature conditions.

For the erect measurements, measure either with a cock ring or with morning wood. We need this number to be as close to your max so that you are comfortable in even the strongest of erections.
For best results measure at least 5 times over a few days to get a good average. The most important measurements to get correct are the diameters; so take care to make sure those are right for you.
Do not alter these numbers as we do our own calculations to fit the device to you.

1. Flaccid Circumference
Reminder, measure when your penis is as small is it gets in a normal situation (not shrinkage from cold etc.)
- Begin by wrapping the receipt around the base of your shaft
- Pull the receipt so it is taut around your shaft, but only with even, light pressure. Make sure the receipt is wrapped around evenly and not at an angle
- Mark the receipt on the overlap with your pen and then remove the receipt
- Measure the distance between the two marks using your ruler and write it down

2. Flaccid Shaft Length and Total Length
It is important that you don't stretch out your penis at all for the length measurements. We want a relaxed and natural state, much like what you would be in a properly fitted chastity cage.
- While standing, lift up your penis using an open hand underneath. Your penis should be parallel to the ground and not stretched out at all
- Placing the receipt on top, start from the base of the penis roughly where a base ring would sit. You want it snug against the "corner" but not pressed into the skin at all.
- Mark the distance on the receipt right at beginning of your glans(head) where the start of the ridge is.
- Proceed to measure your total flaccid length, which is to the end of your penis, loosely following the curvature of the head. For individuals with a foreskin, measure to the end of the structural part of the penis, not the length of the foreskin. Mark where the end is on the receipt.
- Measure the two distances and write them down
3. Erect Circumference
Use a cock ring or base ring from another cage and get a strong erection. Then repeat the measuring process from the flaccid circumference. Most guys will vary in circumference from base to tip. Measure around the midpoint of the erection to get a sort of natural average.
- Wrap the receipt around the middle of your shaft
- Pull the receipt so it is taut around your shaft, but only with even, light pressure. Make sure the receipt is wrapped around evenly and not at an angle
- Mark the receipt on the overlap with your pen and then remove the receipt
- Measure the distance between the two marks using your ruler and write it down
4. Erect Length
While still using the cock ring to maintain a strong erection follow the steps below to measure your erect length.
- Depending on the curvature of your penis, hold your erect penis as straight and horizontal as you can
- Hold the receipt on top and have it following any curvature naturally. Measure from the base, roughly where a base ring would sit, to the tip of your penis. Mark the distance on the receipt
- Then measure the distance from the edge of the receipt to the mark and write it down
5. Average Testicle Hang
This number is a description of where your balls sit on average. For most guys this can fluctuate quite a bit but there is a general range. We recognize that this number is the least precise and subsequently isn't a huge factor. So don't fret and just use your best estimate on where you fall on the range.
We use a 1-6 scale to generate the perfect base ring shape for you.
- 1 - generally between being halfway to a quarter inside the body
- 2 - generally outside the body but with no extra hang
- 3 - generally between little to no hang and having a quarter inch/1cm of hang
- 4 - generally some amount of hang and occasionally a bit looser
- 5 - generally have a fair amount of hang but not always hanging super low
- 6 - usually hang well beyond 75mm/3" with lots of extra scrotum skin.